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Medical Malpractice Attorney
in Columbia, South Carolina

Medical negligence, also referred to as medical malpractice, is an important area of emphasis at the Law Office of Daryl G. Hawkins. The medical/pharmacological industry, along with their insurance representatives and carriers, have the ability to bring about the greatest changes in the law, through legislation and lobbying efforts.

Unfortunately, this subjects consumers to complex and often misunderstood regulations that may impede their understanding of their rights to quality health care. Our medical malpractice attorney can help you understand your rights, navigate the laws regarding medical negligence and fight for the maximum compensation for your damages.

If you or a loved one experienced negligence from a medical professional and have been injured or have worsened in health, contact us in Columbia, South Carolina, or in the neighboring areas of Charleston, Myrtle Beach, Greenville, and Spartanburg. Get in touch with us today and schedule your consultation.

What Is Medical Negligence?

A medical professional can be liable for medical negligence when he or she disregards codes, ethics, safety procedures, or other requirements that ensure your safety and well-being. Some common medical malpractice cases that we cover include:

Diagnostic Mistakes

While every human makes mistakes, the mistakes of a doctor can be life-threatening. If a doctor failed to thoroughly examine, effectively communicate, notice symptoms, or conduct appropriate tests on you or a loved one, that doctor may have acted negligently. Though it is difficult to prove negligence when diagnosing a patient, our medical malpractice attorney will stand up for your rights.

Negligence in Surgery

In the case of surgery, medical malpractice occurs when a health care professional performing the operation fails to adhere to the established standard of care. Common mistakes that can happen in the operating room include operating on the wrong part of the body, performing the wrong surgery, using the wrong medication, administering an incorrect amount of anesthesia, or leaving an operating tool inside of the patient. If you or a loved one experienced any acts like this, get in touch with us today.

Hold medical professionals responsible for their mistakes when their negligence causes your injury.

Neglect or Abuse in Nursing Homes

Placing an elderly family member into a nursing home and leaving his or her care in the hands of strangers can be overwhelming. It may not be easy to spot instances of negligence or abuse at a nursing home, but you should look out for bruises, bedsores, unsanitary living conditions, fear of staff members, signs of malnutrition or dehydration, and unexplained financial transactions. Elderly citizens are easier to prey on than other adults, which is why our South Carolina attorney is devoted to protecting their rights and advocating for their safety.

We also represent those who have fallen victim to:

  • Treatment errors

  • Prescription errors

  • Birth injuries

  • Many other facets of negligence

Wrongdoers can include administrators, clerks, medical technicians, nurses, doctors, hospitals, nursing homes, clinics, pharmacies, drug manufacturers, and others. If something has gone wrong in any step of your medical treatment, we want to help you make it right. Please do not hesitate to contact us in Columbia, South Carolina to see what we can do to assist you in seeking your deserved compensation.

Seek Guidance From a Medical Malpractice Attorney

When a trusted caretaker neglects his or her duty, our lives can be in danger. If you believe that you or a loved one has been taken advantage of and has fallen victim to medical malpractice, contact us at the Law Office of Daryl G. Hawkins in Columbia, South Carolina, immediately to schedule your consultation. We also proudly serve the surrounding areas of Charleston, Myrtle Beach, Greenville, and Spartanburg. Speak to our medical malpractice attorney today so you can begin your healing process.